Featured Services
Program Planning, Implementation, and Review for Dual Language and Content-Based Language Instruction
Expert support for new and existing multilingual education programs.
Just getting started or working on improvement? Drawing on district and campus leadership experience, we work collaboratively with clients to look closely at where you are now and where you want to go. We focus on systemic alignment of effective curriculum, instruction, professional learning, assessment, family engagement, and leadership for Dual Language and Content-Based Language Instruction (ESL) at the elementary and secondary levels.
"Thanks so much ... for all that you have done for [our district]. Your work has been thoughtful, patient and optimistic, despite many obstacles. It has been deeply collaborative and genuinely shared with the community, in ways that have made it strong and smart. It has used data and stories to bring people along. And it has created something that will serve students, our district and our community in ways that I hope we are just beginning to see." ~ District Board Trustee
Building Cultural Competence and Empowering Linguistic Diversity
Skilled Facilitation of Language Stories and Name Stories Sessions
We facilitate interactive group activities where participants explore their own experiences with learning language and they develop understanding and empathy by hearing the stories of others. This is an essential prerequisite to implementing or improving a bilingual/ESL program.
We conduct a similar activity with names, which leads to a greater understanding of the power of our educational systems to affirm or reject our students' core identities.
"Your Language Story presentation uplifts, affirms & connects us all in the important work that we do. Affording us the opportunity to ground ourselves & empower our students within their own lived experiences." ~ Co-presenter and Session Attendee
Leadership Development for Dual Language and Content-Based Language Instruction
Professional Development and Coaching at All Levels of the Organization
We support the development of leaders at the district, campus, and classroom level for Dual Language and Content-Based Language Instruction program implementation and improvement. Through partial-day presentations, full-day workshops, and multi-session institutes, we help develop the capacity of current and prospective leaders to implement bilingual/ESL programs with knowledge, passion, and skills.
"Your class at UT was the best preparation for being an AP at a dual language school I could have asked for! Your voice is one I hear often as I make decisions." ~ Former student in a graduate course
Bilingual/ESL Policy Development
Helping Districts Strengthen Local Policy to Support Effective Multilingual Instruction
Local Policy EHBE is an underutilized tool for ensuring effective bilingual and ESL programs for emergent bilingual students. We work directly with school boards, superintendents, bilingual/ESL directors, chief academic officers, community advisory groups, and others to facilitate the review of current local policy and to adopt revisions to ensure the quality and durability of Dual Language and Content-Based Language Instruction programs.
Additional Services
Scheduling now for January-August 2025.